”Birgit Rausing Centre for Medical Humanities is an interdisciplinary knowledge centre aiming to develop medical humanities in research, education and external engagement. The centre exists thanks to a generous donation from the Birgit Rausing Foundation for Medical Humanities, is accessible to many and hosted by one of Northern Europe’s most outstanding universities, Lund University.”
Yes, this is a formal presentation we’re using quite often – the short version of a longer, more thrilling, story. In this blog, I’ll be telling that story. Possibly in ways making my colleagues within the Literature department cringe, but with the genuine wish to give you glimpses of what exactly it is we’re up to at BRCMH. The selection of topics, the wording and the “takes on things” are mine and of course you’re more than welcome to comment on them below.
We have a Swedish blog as well. Content wise the two blogs differ and the Swedish one is updated more frequently. I’ll cross reference when appropriate but try to keep “typical university stuff” off our international readers’ plate. Are there any topics you would wish to read about? Thought you’d never ask: Just write me an e-mail or, again, use the comment-space below for suggestions.
Åsa Thormählen Asa.Thormahlen@med.lu.se
Administrative coordinator at Birgit Rausing Centre for Medical Humanities. Lund University